pension support
pension support
pension support
pension support

Your Pension Support Service

The Pension Support Service (PSS) has been set up by your employer to provide you with access to information, answers and when required direct help and guidance. This is an independent service provided by your employer to help you understand the complex nature of the pension schemes you are a member of, the benefits they offer and expert help and advice for the difficult pension choices that need to be made that may impact your whole financial future.

What is the PSS?

PSS is an employer sponsored portal, provided by The Royal Wolverhampton Foundation Trust that gives you access to an independent and reliable resource to inform and, if required, advise you on your personal situation. It takes into account the latest pension legislation as well as the unique complexities that sit within the NHS pension scheme.

Why do I need to register?

PSS is funded by The Royal Wolverhampton Foundation Trust for its employees because they realise there is a need for you to have access to information and advice. Therefore you will need to register and confirm your employee details to enable you to use the site in full. Completing the basic details and setting up a username and password will ensure that PSS is provided to the correct people.